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What is the brand and what does it stand for?

D-Brand is a brand for people who see themselves as part of society and want to have a positive influence on it. Clothing is a reflection of society and has social, economic and ecological effects. That is why D-Brand consciously makes socio-cultural issues the content of its brand communication. The motto is: do instead of complain. The main aim of communication is to provide new impetus and highlight successful, sustainable perspectives. By purchasing the products, customers are investing in an active attitude and the change in values (buy less, but the right thing) that D-Brand communicates. The brand stands for courage, confidence and hope.

D-Brand is not a fashion label


D-Brand is an attitude


Mission Statement

D-Brand makes clothing
for people who want to
achieve more than
their own goals.


& fair

Anyone who has ever achieved anything in this world knows that you have to fight for your goals. But not at the expense of others. We can only really win if we are fair. This also applies to the way fashion works. Changing that is a goal worth fighting for. So let's just get started.

& modest

Confident people don't need to follow the latest fad or puff themselves up. They create attention and respect through substance. This also applies to fashion: those who know their own style and remain true to themselves also consume less.

& social

Creative solutions require people who boldly think ahead and have a mind of their own. This does not mean fighting or ignoring other opinions, but learning from them and finding new ways. Ways that move everyone forward, not just individuals.



Our world is great. Nature is worth protecting. Because we only have this one planet. That's why D-Brand favours sustainable, environmentally friendly production.


Fast Fashion

Cheap is too expensive

Low prices and fast consumption come at a high price: poor working conditions, rapidly growing mountains of waste and accelerated climate change. D-Brand produces fashion that counters fast fashion with high quality and design with substance.



The production of clothing must not cause suffering. D-Brand products are produced in a 100% fair and socially responsible way. Thanks to the location in Europe, quality standards and good working conditions can be guaranteed.




Change needs courageous people who break new ground. Nobody gets anywhere if everyone just waits and sees. D-Brand does not follow the mass market, but acts consciously and seeks new alternatives for the way we consume fashion.



Building values

The best you can do with one-way mechanisms is build houses of cards. Experience and knowledge are important for creatively shaping the future. With Coen Duetz's history, D-Brand is building on a stable foundation.


“Some people see things as they are and say why. 
I dream things that never were and say why not.”

Robert F. Kennedy

"If you don’t fail,
you’re not even trying."

Denzel Washington

"The purest form of madness is to leave everything 
as it is and hope that something will change."

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